Monday, July 09, 2007


Is what this blog is.

Just like the Yankees.

Paul is busy touring - mutil-talented is my young american friend - while I have been busy working. I've also had to replace my laptop, which took much longer than it needed to. I now have a new laptop but it refuses to connect to the internet. These are the problems of living in a developing economy.

Once Paul is done touring, he will be moving to New York (the state, not the city), where he will begin teaching little kids math and coach 'em at baseball and soccer. He will, hopefully, also start contributing to this blog again. In the mean time, we'll have a couple of other contributors too. I'll let them introduce themselves when they sign up.

I'll also add, very quickly, that I have been very surprised by the Detroit Tigers this year. I was expecting a "sophomore slump", figuring last year would be a tough act to follow with everyone expecting the team to be as good this year.

I could not have been more wrong.

The team is only a half game out from having the best record in the major league, and is probably playing the best baseball of any team heading into the All-Star break. Once the Tigers get their relief pitching in order, I'd be afraid. Very afraid.

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