Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Calling Out

I recently visited my good friend Bartlomiej Borej (I hope I pronounced that correctly) in Boston, MA. We had a gay old time. Bart wants to actually start writing for the blog, which I fully support. DO IT BOT! He had another good idea too. In attempt to get us all to check in and write something, he suggested we ALL post our playoff picks from here on out. Knowing what we know, calls em likes we sees em. I tried to do this at the start of the season, but it was just me and the injun then, and he got real dandruffy on it. Tariq, Bart, Charles, Wayland (if you exist; you have sort of replaced the NHL's myth status) POST IN THIS BLOG! Take your picks now! I've finally written again, now it's your turn. Do it. Do it.

Come on.

Do it.

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